You wouldn’t steal a car…

You know that annoying advert that comes on every time you watch a dvd?  The one that looks a little like this? We decided to use this as inspiration when describing our piece. After all, everyone is familiar with the words. But we added a twist to the message. Because, like it or not, … Continue reading “You wouldn’t steal a car…”

More ideas

  As previously discussed within the initial ideas section it can be seen what ideas as a group we had initially created. Throughout this project we have established a variety of different ideas that had developed from working around our initial theme of portraying the individual in society, this included discussions and workshops relating to … Continue reading “More ideas”

Trixie Fate and Lucy Luck

It’s not just an excuse to wear ridiculous wigs (although we’re certainly not complaining…). Trixie and Lucy’s characters serve as a device to encourage the audience to support Kelly’s risk taking. Despite what the audience may think, and with no regard to morals of any sort, the two hosts of the show  aim to influence … Continue reading “Trixie Fate and Lucy Luck”

Garlic Cake and Jelly – Minigames

In between the clips of Kelly’s antics, we wanted to have as much audience participation as possible. To do this we thought up a few mini games to encourage the audience to take a few risks for themselves. The idea behind these games was to have each volunteer ‘take a chance’ that could result in … Continue reading “Garlic Cake and Jelly – Minigames”

Initial Ideas

After an exploration into the possibilities which are available to us in order to produce our multimedia production, as a group we started to discuss ideas which appealed to us. Firstly we discussed the possibility of speeding up time and portraying the concept of life. As we go through life each individual collects baggage which … Continue reading “Initial Ideas”